Principais destaques do Congresso Europeu de Cardiologia 2022
Escrito por: MDHealth em 20 de setembro de 2022
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Mullens W. , et al. Acetazolamide in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure with Volume Overload. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Thomas MacDonald et al., TIME – The Treatment in Morning versus Evening study. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Renato Lopes et al., The first Brazilian cardiovascular registry of atrial fibrillation: The primary results of the RECALL study. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Divaka Perera et al., REVIVED – Percutaneous Revascularisation for Ischaemic Ventricular Dysfunction. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Scott Solomon et al., DELIVER – Dapagliflozin in Heart Failure with Mildly Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Remo Furtado et al., Influenza Vaccine Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes: the VIP-ACS trial. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Renato Lopes et al., APOLLO – Apixaban for prophylaxis of thromboembolic outcomes in COVID-19. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.
Ganesan Karthikeyan et al., INVICTUS – Rivaroxaban versus VKA for rheumatic atrial fibrillation. Presented at ESC Congress 2022.